SSVC Alumni Association

SSVC Alumni Association

SSVC: 2025 Events

Hi, it is time to mark your calendar for our  2025 SSVC Events  😊

Saturday, March 1:   SSVC Alumni / Friends Luncheon : 11:30 at Brother’s Family Restaurant. The address is:

705 Gettysburg Pike

Mechanicsburg, PA717-697-6591

Sunday, March 23:   Special Olympics / SSVC Alumni Association Bingo— St. Thomas Fire Company, 34 School House Road, St. Thomas PA (corner of School House Road & Rt. 30).  Tickets are $30.  They can be purchased at the door.  Doors open at 11:00. Lunch will be served at 12:15. Bingo starts at 1:30.  Please contact Vickie Portner Cook ’73, Alumni Secretary if you are planning to attend.  You can contact her via IM or text/phone 717-698-8905.

Friday-Sunday, June 13-15:   Reunion —American Legion, Post 46, 755 Philadelphia Avenue, Chambersburg, PA.   Details will be in the Newsletter, which will be mailed in about 2-3 weeks. We need someone to conduct our church service on Sunday June 15.  Please contact Vickie if you ae interested in doing this.  The service is from 10-11:00 at the American Legion, followed by lunch at 11:00.

Saturday, August 23:   22nd Annual SSVC Alumni/Friends Golf Tournament—  Eagles Crossing Golf Course, 501 Conodoguinet Ave. Carlisle, PA.

Saturday, September 20:   Picnic —Greene Township Park, 996 Elevator St, Scotland PA. (Across from the pond entrance of the school).


Friday-Sunday, June 12-14:   Reunion —American Legion, Post 46, 755 Philadelphia Avenue, Chambersburg, PA.

Vickie Portner Cook ’73, Alumni Secretary will provide details as we get closer to each event, with the exception of the reunion.  The details will be in the newsletter.

Scotland Family Forever!

Your Scotland Sister,

Vickie “Portner” Cook ’73


SSVC Alumni Association

717-698-8905 (Please leave a message) (check it out)