We have carefully reviewed this list for accuracy and hope that you will notify us of any omissions or errors. This list includes memorial and honoraria gifts made during the period April 2014 thru February 2015.
John William Petre, Jr. ‘38
Daughter Karen Petre Gordon
Earle C. Petre ‘45
Wife Evelyn W. Petre
Elton Roberts ‘52, Marlene Roberts McRobertson ‘54 and Janet C. Roberts Miller ‘58
Clyde Dean Roberts ‘56
Rose Shrawder Hoke ‘54
Sylvia Shrawder Mathieu ‘61
Charles “Chuck” Imperial ‘56
Anne Elder Imperial ‘56
George Imes ‘57
Shirley Imes Shreve ‘56
Wayne Imes ‘58
Shirley Imes Shreve ‘56
Marianne Baker Malone ‘57
Russell Baker ‘58
Virginia Shrawder Ferrizzi ‘57
Sylvia Shrawder Mathieu ‘61
Carl Stephey ‘57
Joan Stephey Morris ‘61
Jack H. Kennedy ‘59
Dean P. Kennedy ‘62
Henry Jones ‘62
Roy A. Jones ‘65
Thomas Britton ‘65
Debra Keefer Gilbert ‘67
Joseph E. Houser ‘65
Marty Houser ‘65 (Twin Brother)
Charles Mills ‘66
James E. Mills ‘70
All Students & Faculty Who Have Passed
Vickie Portner Cook ‘73
Fred E. Boss, Teacher & Coach
Kaye Shearer, Teacher, Coach, Administrator
James A. Gomez, Teacher & Coach
Debra Keefer Gilbert ‘67
Agnes H. Kempf
Husband Glenn E. Kempf ‘43
David H. Pinsky, Husband
Susanne Beckner Pinsky ‘63
Mrs. Phillips, Housemother, C-7
Roland Pennock ‘61
Irvin J. Shaffer, Dad
Donna Shaffer Sutton ‘64
Roy Shields, Teacher & Coach
Gary L. Pogue ‘65
Laura Sigler, Housemother C-18
Robert Shrawder ‘57
William R. Wright, Jr., Houseparent
With Love, Wife Nancy L. Wright
Wayne E. Shuler ‘50 & Staff
Jessie Harrold ‘68
Marianne Baker Malone ‘57
Gary Baker ‘61
Paul Stephey ‘59
Joan Stephey Morris ‘61
Betsy Beckner Hendricks ‘64
Susanne Beckner Pinsky ‘63
Sam A. Harrold ‘65
Jessie Harrold ‘68
Sally A. Sheaffer ‘65
Rudy Boyance ‘67
Fred E. Boss, Teacher & Coach
Gary L. Pogue ‘65