SSVC Alumni Association

SSVC Alumni Association

Alumni Events and Information – Spring 2015

September 2014 Picnic:  The September picnic was well attended, over 100 alumni and friends of SSVC were able to come out and enjoy the day together.  Many thanks to Hector Robinson ‘73 and the Alumni Association Officers for their support of the picnic.  Everyone seemed to have a good time and it is a sure thing that nobody left the picnic hungry!  Many of us are already looking forward to next year’s picnic!

11th Annual Golf Tournament, October 2014We had a fabulous day (after it stopped raining). There was a full field of golfers and many volunteers. Without all people present and some involved in the preparation for this event, it would not have been the success it was.  All told, there were  about 30 alumni, family members  and former employees who supported the tournament along with the dedicated golfers from Veteran Service Organizations and  other friends of SSVC. We thank all them and the many donors who championed the golf tournament and helped the Association to continue the golf tournament and helped the Association to continue to honor veterans and preserve the rich history of SSVC.

Homecoming” Dinner, November 8th, 2014: To say that everyone had a good time is an understatement. The venue (American Legion) was warm and welcoming, the food simply delicious, the band rocked, and the fellowship was out of this world! Thanks to the “Door Prize Fairies” for making the evening more enjoyable for nearly everyone! During the banquet, Mary and Gran Waldt ‘41 announced they would sponsor a bowling fundraiser, the “Gran Waldt Bowling Fundraiser”, for the Museum Project at reunion in June 2015. Mary read a speech she and Gran prepared. Follows are excerpts from the speech: “… When you think of it, your Museum contains a little piece of each one of you. Many of you have donated items from your own collection to add to the museum. Put them all together and you have wonderful Scotland memories shared for posterity. It’s your heritage. It will be there for all Scotland kids to remember and for the public to see.

For many of you like Granville, you became a Scotland Kid because of your family circumstances. Scotland School became a lifeline of hope for the future. Granville attributes teachers and staff for encouraging and supporting him.

Gran says, “The Museum is the only thing they didn’t take away from us. It’s the only thing we have left. They can take Scotland from us but they can never take Scotland out of us!” Therefore, the Museum project means a lot to Gran, so much so that he wants to do something to help convert the SSVC laundry building into the SSVC Alumni Museum. Since he is an avid bowler, Gran is holding a bowling fundraiser at Nellie Fox Bowl in Chambersburg to raise money toward repairs and renovations of the building.

To help you understand the magnitude of this project, just one can of roofing paint costs a little over a hundred dollars! We need a lot of paint to coat the roof. The Association needs all the help it can get. And as Gran says, “It’s for all of us. ”Gran turned 92 and is still bowling. If he can do it, so can you! He says, “It’s not how good you are, but rather how much fun you can have with your Scotland brothers and sisters. …”

The bowling fundraiser is for SSVC Alumni and their spouses, family members of Scotland Alumni over 18 years of age, close friends of those bowling who want to help, and former staff. The entry fee is $20 per person.  Mary added if you cannot join her and Gran for bowling, they are hopeful you will consider making a donation to the cause.

Student Records:   Alumni and Students with graduating years of 1976-2009 need to contact the DMVA. The contact person at DMVA is Marie Thomas. Her number is 717-861-8656. Ms. Thomas has your records at Ft. Indiantown Gap in Annville, PA and is very helpful and quick to turn around requests. Alumni and Students with graduating years of 1895-1975 need to request records from the PA State Archives. You may ask the State Archives representative to copy everything in your record. To release copies of files to former students and alumni, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania State Archives will need a written request from the student/alumnus, signed by the student/alumnus.  Send the student/alumnus’s full name, date of birth and Social Security number.  Research and copy fees will apply to mail requests.  The Research fee is $15.00 for requests from Pennsylvania residents; $25.00 for requests from out of state. The Copy fee for the first 10 pages is free; thereafter it is $0.50 per page plus shipping and handling for additional pages. Mail your request to State Archives, PA Historical & Museum Commission, 350 North St., Harrisburg, PA 17120-0090. If the student/alumnus visits in person, the State Archives representative will need to see current identification such as a driver’s license or passport. Copying fees will apply:  $0.50 per page.  For inquiries, the State Archives number is:  (717) 783-3281. 

SSVC Scholarships: When the Foundation of SSVC dissolved in 2012, Frank Frame, CEO and the members of the Board awarded the remaining monies to four educational institutions.  They are University of Pittsburgh, Shippensburg University, Carson Long, and the Chambersburg Area Senior Hight School. A fifth organization, CORE, worked with the Foundation of SSVC. Its mission is to enhance residential education.  These organizations continue the legacy of Scotland School through their scholarship recipients and assistance to other residential educational institutions. Thank you to Mr. Frame and the members of the Board of the former Foundation of SSVC!

John McCallister Scholarship: One of the schools awarded monies from the Foundation of SSVC after the school closed is the University of Pittsburgh. The scholarship, named for John McCallister, is valued at $5,000 and was awarded to Major John Collado, US Army. Frank Frame, former superintendent and CEO of the Foundation of SSVC, attended a luncheon with Alan Williamson, former member of the Foundation of SSVC, and Major Collado. We offer our congratulations to Major Collado!  For more information on the McCallister Scholarship, please contact Ms. Jean M. Hale, Director of Alumni Relations and Development, University of Pittsburgh Graduate School and International Affairs, 3408 Wesley Posvar Hall, Pittsburgh, PA 15230,  Office: 412-624-6660; Mobile: 412-297-9509.