SSVC Alumni Association

SSVC Alumni Association

Fwd: SSVC: 9/7 Minutes, 10/9 Meeting, & Homecoming Summary

Good morning,  The SSVC Alumni meeting is Wednesday 10/9 @ 5:45 at the museum.  Attached are the minutes from the 9/7 meeting.  If you see any errors or changes let me know.  Please let me know if you are planning to attend the meeting.

The homecoming summary is:  46 were in attendance for dinner.  Total collected for dinner $1,290.00.  Other collections:

Dues: $600

Museum:  $626

Postage:  $161

General:  $311

IHO:  $76

IMO:  $256

Yearbooks/Sarah’s Book:  $54

Bears:  $40

Grand Total = $3,414

Hope to see you Wednesday.

Scotland Family Forever!

Your Scotland Sister,

Vickie “Portner” Cook ’73
SSVC Alumni Association
717-698-8905 (Please leave a message) (check it out)