Good morning, Thank you to everyone who was able to help with the museum work-day on Saturday. We will be having a final work-day on Saturday, 9/21 @ 9:00 until approximately noon (12:00) to prepare for the Open House on 9/28 (10:00-3:00). Your help will be greatly appreciated.
Hopefully by now you have received your newsletter which contains information along with the registration form for the Homecoming banquet on 9/28. Just a reminder: RSVPs/payment is due by Monday, 9/16. Checks should be made out to SSVC Alumni Association. Please send to me: Vickie Portner Cook, 80 Red Rock Avenue, Dover, PA 17315.
Speaking of the newsletter: I want to sincerely apologize to my alumni sisters if your address label showed your maiden name last (as your married name) e.g. Vickie Cook Portner (which should be Vickie Portner Cook). This is a glitch with the printing company. I am working with them to fix the problem, so I hope future newsletters will be correct.
Scotland Family Forever!
Your Scotland Sister,
Vickie "Portner" Cook '73
SSVC Alumni Association
717-698-8905 (Please leave a message) (check it out)