What’s Happening on Campus?
Winebrenner Theological Seminary pur- chased the Scotland campus on Thursday, June 6, 2013, nearly four years after the School was closed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Dr. David Newell, Vice Presi- dent, said alumni are welcome on campus and Winebrenner wants all alumni to return “home”. Contact number for Winebrenner is 717-552-2220.
- About 140 Korean Students are on housed on cam- pus. More students are expected during the year. They also use Boozer Hall for all their meals. When school starts, they will attend Broadfording Christian Academy in Hagerstown, MD.
- Wedding events are booked in the chapel and con- certs hosted in the auditorium.
- The Institute for Caregivers Education is a nurses education company and operates in the hospital.
- The library is open, with a coffee shop that is a available for Scotland Alums to visit. The old score- board from the gym is on display in the coffee shop.
- The Superintendent’s home has been beautified with paint, plants and flowers as has the hospital.
- Cottage 19 is a day care center.
Nominations for Officers:
Denny Hughes ’63 is chairing the nominations committee. If you are interest- ed in running for one of the offices of the Alumni Association, please get in touch with Denny or Vickie Portner Cook ’73. Jim Lowe ’70, President and Sally Sheaffer ’65, Secretary have both said they will not run again. Please give serious thought to how you may be able to contribute to moving our Association forward and contact Denny to be placed on the slate of officers for the 2015-2017 term of office.
Thank you.
Our alumni and friends of SSVC are some of the most generous people. We appreciate each and every gift. Your donations are needed to preserve the rich history and heritage of our beloved School. You cannot imagine how much your thoughtfulness means to all who have come to know SSVC. Thank you to those who donated in honor or and in memory of loved ones. Those you memorialized can be found on page 3. Thank you to all of you who have given to keep our Association able to stay in touch with you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.