SSVC Alumni Association

SSVC Alumni Association

SSVC: Breakfast August 28 @ 9:00 & future events

Good evening, I am happy to tell you we will be having a breakfast on August 28 @ 9:00 at the Middlesex Diner.  The address is 1803 Harrisburg Pike, Carlisle PA 17015.  The phone number is 717-241-2021.  This is the day of our annual Golf Tournament.  I hope many of  you can make the breakfast.
Thank you Tom Shafer ’62 and Dean ’62 & Nancy Kennedy for making the arrangements with the restaurant.
September 25:  Museum Open House and Homecoming Banquet.  The newsletter will be sent soon with details and registration form.
***DATE CHANGE***The Franklin County Special Olympics & Scotland School Bingo will be October 16 instead of October 2.


Scotland Family Forever!
Your Scotland Sister,
Vickie “Portner” Cook ’73
717-698-8905 (Please leave a message) (check it out)