Hi there, if you would like to get your day off to a great start come join your SSVC brothers, sisters and friends for breakfast on Saturday October 21 at Greenvillage Drive-in Family Restaurant, 5440 Philadelphia Avenue, Chambersburg, PA. Phone 717-263-5774. The reservation is at 8:30 a.m. under Scotland School Alumni. I hope you can make it.
Here is an item for your 2024 calendar – the Franklin County Special Olympics/Scotland School Alumni Spring Bingo is March 10, at the American Legion, Chambersburg PA. Details will be provided closer to event.
Please share this message with other alumni/friends. Thank you.
Scotland Family Forever!
Your Scotland Sister,
Vickie “Portner” Cook ’73
SSVC Alumni Association
717-698-8905 (Please leave a message)
www.ssvcalumni.org (check it out)