Good evening, We are having one more museum work-day on Saturday, 9/22 from 9:00-noon. This is the last one before our big day – OPEN HOUSE on 9/29 from 10:00-3:00. I hope your calendars are marked :-).
We are also having our September Central PA Alumni/Friends Breakfast on 9/22 @ 9:00 at the American Legion Post 730, 3813 Walnut Street, Harrisburg, PA 17109. Thank you again Dean '62 & Nancy Kennedy for arranging.
Newsletter 128 has been mailed about 2 weeks ago – I hope you received yours. It has the Homecoming Banquet (10/6) registration form in it. If you have not had a chance to send your form could you please let me know if you are planning to come (and how many) so we can provide the American Legion with our count (which they need to know very soon). The meal is $25.00 per person (Payment/donations/dues ($15.00 for 2 years) can be made to SSVC Alumni Association). Please send to Vickie Cook, Alumni Secretary, 80 Red Rock Avenue, Dover, PA 17315. The banquet is being held at the American Legion Post 46, 755 Philadelphia Avenue, Chambersburg, PA. Social hour/registration is 4:30-6:00, Dinner 6:00-7:30, Entertainment 8:00-11:00. If any of you see a "door-prize fairy" please let them know we are looking for items for door prizes at the banquet.
That's all for now :-).
Your Scotland Sister,
Vickie "Portner" Cook '73
SSVC Alumni Association
717-698-8905 (Please leave a message) (check it out)
Scotland Family Forever!