SSVC Alumni Association

SSVC Alumni Association

SSVC Taps: William “Bill” Fink ’62 passed away 12/1/2023

Good evening, it is with sadness that I share the news that Bill Fink ’62 passed away 12/1/2023. Bill was in the Machine Shop and played football & basketball. He was on the yearbook staff. Along with Bill his brother’s Glenn ’66, Gloid ’65 (deceased) Mike ’70 and Robert ’73 attended SSVC.



When I have more details I will share.


Cards can be sent to:


Glen Fink

14 Chain Saw Road

Dillsburg, PA 17019

Mike Fink

129 S. 6th  Avenue, Apt. 2

Lebanon, PA 17042

Robert Fink

920 Plane Street

Columbia, PA 17512


Thank you for keeping Bill’s wife Sue and his entire family in your thoughts and prayers during this very difficult time.


Thank you, Glenn ’66 and Mike ’70 for sharing your sad news about Bill.

Scotland Family Forever!

Your Scotland Sister,

Vickie “Portner” Cook ’73


SSVC Alumni Association

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