SSVC Alumni Association

SSVC Alumni Association

Category: News

  • SSVC: Reunion June 11-13, 2021

    Good afternoon,  The newsletter with the reunion details is currently at the printer.  I am hoping it will be mailed this week.  The clock is ticking, and I am concerned some of you may not get it in time.  I am hoping to be able to share details in emails.  This email contains the schedule…

  • SSVC 2020 Events

    Good afternoon,  Following are the dates of our SSVC 2020 events.  Mark your calendar.  I hope you can make it to some if not all :-). April 11 – Bingo/Spaghetti Lunch:  Doors open at 11:00, Lunch served @ 11:45, Bingo starts @ 1:00. Tickets available at the door. June 12-14 – Reunion:  Details will be provided…

  • SSVC Homecoming Dinner/Dance – 11/14/2015 Reminder (It’s not too late)

    I would like to remind you to please RSVP for the “Homecoming” Dinner/Dance is Friday, 11/6.  Checks should be made payable to SSVC Alumni Association, and sent to PO Box 129, Scotland, PA 17254. Click here for more Information >>

  • New Leadership for SSVC Alumni Association

    During the Reunion and after 12 years,  new officers were voted into office.  Ken Beck ’74 was elected President.  Ken served as Sergeant-at-Arms and then took the Treasurer position. He has much experience to move the Association forward.  Other officers elected are Jesse Wright ‘85; Vice President; Jerry Grove ‘79, Treasurer;  Vickie Portner Cook ‘73,…

  • Reunion, June 12—14th, 2015

    A good time was had by all because we were together—at the Museum, dinner, bowling or around campus.

  • Class of 1995 and All Classes Reunion, June 6th, 2015

    The Class of 1995, the 100th graduating class of Scotland School for Veterans’ Children scheduled an all classes reunion in Philadelphia aboard the Spirit of Philadelphia. All alumni, attendees and friends of SSVC were welcome to attend.  It was an evening of elegance aboard the Spirit of Philadelphia. The midnight cruise  along the Delaware River…

  • Class of 1965 celebrates 50th Class Reunion!

    Sixteen members of the class of 1965 (see picture below) attended their 50th Class Reunion on Friday, June 12, 2015. They were joined by spouses, family members and friends.  They had a room at the Chambersburg American Legion adjacent to the main alumni body. The entire evening was one to remember!  It was so wonderful…

  • Gran Waldt ‘41 Bowling Benefit—Huge Success!!!

    The Gran Waldt ’41 Bowling Benefit turned out to be a great success raising a total of $4029 to help renovate the laundry/storage building as the new SSVC Alumni Museum! The No-Tap Bowling Tournament consisted of two games of No-Tap: either 8 or 9 pins on your first ball was counted as a strike.  Bob…