SSVC Alumni Association

SSVC Alumni Association

Tag: ISSUE NO. 118 ‐ FALL 2013

  • Sick Call – Fall 2013

    The alumni listed below are in need of cheer from their Scotland brothers and sisters. You don’t have to be in their class to send a note or card. They would enjoy hearing from you because you are a Scotland kid. So, please consider getting in touch with one or more and share their names with others….

  • Alumni News – Fall 2013

    Click here to submit your news Granville Waldt ’41 attended the historical marker ceremony on July 13, 2013. Gran had an opportunity to speak with MG Wesley Craig, Adjutant General of Pennsylvania. After General Craig heard Gran’s story about life at Scotland and all he has done since his start at Scotland, General Craig gave Gran one of his military…

  • TAPS – FALL 2013

    Our prayers are with their families. Deceased Alumni Anna Burger Beachel ‘41 August 17, 2013 Earl C. Broomhead ‘43 June 21, 2013 Alvin Purvinis ‘48 June 10, 2013 Mary Bosler Hodgson ‘55 July 15, 2013  Linda J. “Bupps’ Sheaffer Price ‘69 June 23, 2013 Jackie Ray Robinson ‘75 July 13, 2013  Keith Geiger ‘80 July 20,…